Looking for love…


With Valentine’s Day come and gone, some of us are recalling sweet February-the-14th memories, and others of us are just hoping that next year will be better.  We hope we’re standing on the brink of something new, and Prince Charming is right around the corner, and we’re just about to be swept off our feet.

Meanwhile, there is Someone who loves us dearly, but it’s so easy to ignore His quiet, persistent presence.  Wrapped up in this waiting-for-my-Prince vision, we forget the King of Kings who loves us so perfectly and devotedly.  He is the One who will never leave or forsake us, and His love keeps going even when human love disappoints.

We dream of the perfect guy who would bring us flowers and chocolate on Valentine’s Day, sing us our favorite songs when we’re sad, call at all the right times.  But our Father in Heaven has given us every flower that ever bloomed, written us a Letter of love and comfort, and quiets our anxious hearts with His enduring promises every day.  He strengthens us, guides us, nurtures us, and promises us an eternity with Him in Heaven.  He loves us with a perfect love that never fails.  And, more than anything, He gave us a way of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, who gave His life for us.

“But God demonstrated His own love toward us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

Girls, I know it’s easy to get caught up in those chick flicks and love songs and wish we were loved that way.  But here’s the thing: none of us will ever find a perfect guy.  There will be a time when even the “boy of our dreams” will just cease to appeal.  There’ll be a time when he leaves us in the lurch, says the wrong thing, hurts our feelings.  No matter how good he is, he’ll never be perfect.  And we shouldn’t expect him to be.

The only perfect lover of our souls is Jesus Christ…who will never, never fail us.

I’ve been disillusioned by boys who promised me the moon and stars.  I’ve been broken by guys who didn’t know how to truly love me; whose selfish interests came first.  I’ve been left, abandoned, embittered, jaded.  I’ve cried myself to sleep over a boy I thought would be my everything. 

But Jesus Christ, my Savior and my Lord and my Best Friend, has never left me.  He has never deserted me or hurt me.  I trust Him with everything I am, and I know that I never need to be afraid.  He is faithful.

Someday, you may find a special someone who will hold you and love you as long as he lives.  He’ll be able to love you as you deserve, because he has learned from the God who is Love.  But he will be just another gift…another blessing…from the hand of God.  Your love story will be written by His hand.

Life is a lesson in loving Him.  Every day…every breath…every wildflower…every whisper…every moment…is a Valentine from Him.  Being able to hold the hand of a boy who loves Him too is sweet and precious indeed.  But this this is not the end or the means.  It is just another tool He uses to teach us how to love Him more.  It is just another blessing from the hand of our perfect Savior, who loves to give us good things.

You can face February 14th without a Valentine’s card in your mailbox, because you are dearly loved by the One who made the stars and died for your sins.  He knows everything about you…even those things you think most hideous…and has chosen to love you anyway.  Not because you deserve it.  But because He wants to.

Indescribable, uncontainable,

You see the depths of my heart,

and You love me the same.

You are amazing, God.

This is a love worth living for.